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PRAXIS 2020: Domestic Work in U.S. Mass Media & Popular Culture: Evaluating & Citing Sources

Summer 2020, M. Joffroy & J. Guglielmo Digital humanities collaboration with the National Domestic Workers Alliance

Analyzing the Evidence

Citing Your Sources

  • Remember to cite your souce, when either quoting directly or paraphasing. In other words, cite your source whenever you present an idea that isn't your own.
  • Websites must be cited in your notes/bibliography, too; if you cut and paste - or paraphrase - from a website, cite the webpage.
  • When in doubt, cite your source.
  • Remember to include a context for each quotation/paraphrase. Who said it? Why does it matter? How does this support or contradict the argument you're making?
  • For citing primary sources, refer to Citing SSC Materials
  • For secondary sources, use Chicago Manual of Style format; see either the quick guide (Univ. of Wisconsin) or the full version.

Citation Management Software

Instructions on installing and using Zotero software

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