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SSW582 (2018): Evidence Based Practice in Social Work: Search Tips

Summer 2018: Drisko, Mak, Pole, Mitchell

Boolean & Wildcards

AND:  Use to combine two or more variables; AND narrows your search:
  • substance abuse AND short-term therapy
OR: Use when searching for synonymous or closely-related terms; OR broadens your search:
  • substance abuse or drug abuse or alcoholism or drug addition or  . . .

* :  The asterisk (shift/8 on the keyword) is the truncation symbol used in most databases.  It's a quick shorthand for singular, plural, noun and adjectival forms of words.  For examples, addict* looks for: addict, addicts, addiction, addictions, addictive, etc.


Search Tips

Whether you are searching for books in the Five College Library Catalog, or searching for scholarly articles in a library database, it pays to be organized as you start your search.  Break down searching into a three step process.

Write down as much information about your topic as possible. (You can use Encyclopedias and other reference books to help gather background information). Answer the following questions:

  • What is your topic?
  • What questions do you have?
  • What do you know? What don't you know?

Then, try to summarize what you are looking for in one or two sentences.

EXAMPLE: If adolescent girls with a history of PTSD are given dialectical behavior therapy or family therapy, which will result in healthy regulation of anger and reduced stress?


Using the information in Step 1, list the main concepts of your topic.

EXAMPLE: PTSD; behavior therapy; family therapy; stress reduction; anger control; adolescent girls

Now create a list of synonyms of your key concepts. Think broadly, think narrowly! This step is helping you expand your search by expressing your query in a variety of ways. If you get too many results, then you can work on focusing your search.






behavior therapy             
family therapy









To focus more, add--
adolescent girl*



You will use the word lists you developed in Step 3 to create search strategies. Use "OR" between synonyms and "AND" between concepts. For instance:

(PTSD)  AND  (behavior therapy or family therapy ) AND (stress or anger) 

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