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Screen Reader Instructions for Databases


Databases platformed by the vendor EBSCO, such as the Advanced Search on the Libraries website or any database that says "EBSCO" in brackets on the Libraries' database list, have built-in screen reader software for some scholarly articles. EBSCO eBooks do not have built-in screen reader software, but there are resources from EBSCO detailing how to navigate outside screen reader software, like JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver, on EBSCO databases.


Arrow pointing to EBSCO in brackets on a Smith College Libraries' database entry that reads Gender Studies Database [EBSCO] 1972+ with some earlier coverage.



Some articles on EBSCO databases have a built-in screen reading feature. How to access it:


  • Click on your selected article and locate the left-hand side of the page. If there is an option that says "HTML Full Text," you will be able to use the built-in text-to-speech player. If the only option is "PDF Full Text," you will not be able to access the built-in text-to-speech player. Consider using outside screenreader software in these instances. 
  • HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, and an HTML text has embedded tags that help screenr eaders read a text. PDFs can still be read by outside screen readers.


Arrow pointing to HTML Full Text link, above PDF Full Text link.

  • Open the HTML Full Text.
  • Locate the "Listen" button. It often takes a second for the text-to-speech player to load and be visible. The menu button on the left-hand side is where you can access settings, like text size, highlight color, and the accent of the voice that reads to you.


The Listen button next to the menu button highlighted with a drop down box that shows the buttons, from top to bottom, Settings, Reading Voice, Click and Listen, Enlarge Text, Text Mode, Page Mask, Download mp3, Help.

  • When you press the play button, the player will immediately begin speaking.
  • You can adjust the volume and speed buttons.


The Listen button settings after the text-to-speech player has begun, with the Reading Speed button highlighted.

More detailed instructions, and an explanation of the different settings on the EBSCO text-to-speech player.

Details for using outside screen reader software with the EBSCO interface and EBSCO articles, including those without an HTML option.


EBSCO eBooks do not have built-in screen readers; however, this accessibility guide has general information about navigating EBSCO eBooks based on individual needs, including what outside screen reading software has been tested on the EBSCO interface.

Specific navigation information for eBooks using various outside screen reading software.