News Sources
Access World News [NewsBank] (Coverage varies by title) This link opens in a new window
Current and archived news content including local, state, national and international newspapers, broadcast transcripts, news wires, news blogs, video, etc.
Nexis Uni (Coverage varies by title) This link opens in a new window
New Lexis-Nexis interface, with a single search box, plus filters to refine searches; users are encouraged to register for an ID & password, to take advantage of personalization features. Covers a wide range of news, business, legal & reference information; includes federal & state laws & cases.
Ethnic NewsWatch [ProQuest] 1960+ This link opens in a new window
Full text newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press.
Specific Newspapers
New York Times, 1851+ This link opens in a new window
Full text access to current issues and a complete archive (does not include The Crossword). The first time you click on this link, you will be prompted to create your own New York Times account, using your Smith email address. After that you can go directly to or use the NYTimes app from anywhere, on any device and gain full access with the login you've created. Spanish and Chinese language editions also available. Faculty and staff need to refresh their account annually.
Wall Street Journal This link opens in a new window
Full-text access to current issues. This link will send you through the Smith authentication log-in, and then you'll be prompted to create your own Wall Street Journal login (which does not need to be the same as your Smith login). You will then be able to go directly to or use the WSJ app from anywhere, on any device and gain full access with the login you've created. International editions also available. Faculty and staff need to refresh their account annually. For older issues 1984+, see Business Premium Collection [ProQuest].