DSM LibraryThis link opens in a new windowFull text versions of all editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders plus related current casebooks and handbooks.
Oxford Bibliographies OnlineThis link opens in a new windowA scholar-curated library of subject bibliographies in the humanities & social sciences; each entry offers a guided tour through key literature on a topic.
Oxford Handbooks OnlineThis link opens in a new windowReview essays evaluating the current thinking on a field or topic. Articles review the key issues, reveal original arguments and concepts, and set the agenda for new research.
Oxford Reference OnlineThis link opens in a new windowReference dictionaries and companions, including illustrations, web links, and searching individual titles or by subject area; from Oxford University Press.
Routledge Handbooks OnlineThis link opens in a new windowDRM-free handbooks offering peer-reviewed research articles in the humanities, social sciences, education, psychology, engineering & built environment. Chapters can be browsed, searched, viewed & downloaded.
Psychiatry OnlineThis link opens in a new windowIncludes the DSM V and related texts, earlier editions of the DSM, five full text journals, plus selected texts, guidelines, self-assessment tools, and reference works.
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral SciencesThis link opens in a new windowProvides a broad overview of the social and behavioral sciences. Topics include anthropology, archaeology, demography, economics, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, philosophy, political science, psychiatry, psychology, and sociology. It comprises 4,000 articles, commissioned by 52 Section Editors, and includes 90,000 bibliographic references as well as comprehensive name and subject indexes.