An open access discovery service for the history of science. Access is free, but registration is required.
America: History & Life with Full Text [EBSCO] 1953+This link opens in a new windowExtensive index to 1,700 journals, books, and dissertations on American and Canadian history, popular culture, anthropology, sociology, economics, education, and politics.
Historical Abstracts with Full Text [EBSCO] 1956+This link opens in a new windowCovers history after 1450, excluding U.S. and Canada; lists articles, books, book reviews, collections, and dissertations.
Philosopher's Index [EBSCO] 1940+ (subscription ends 1/1/25)This link opens in a new windowIndexes books and journals on ethics, aesthetics, social & political philosophy, epistemology, & metaphysic logic and the philosophy of law, religion, science, history, education, & language.
General Databases
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowComplete full text articles (excluding latest 2-5 years) for more than 1,000 scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Now includes current coverage for several hundred journal titles, plus eBooks. JSTOR’s image search (formerly Artstor) contains more than 2+ million images. It includes Smith College collections developed to meet teaching needs in the arts, humanities, and sciences, as well as images of works from the Smith College Museum.
Web of Science 1898+This link opens in a new window(Formerly Web of Knowledge) Indexes and abstracts science & technology journals (1899+), social science journals (1898+), and arts & humanities journals (1975+) published around the world; offers cited reference searching.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowLargest abstract & citation database of peer-reviewed literature in all disciplines. Covers articles, books, conference proceedings & patents. Incorporates smart tools to track, analyze & visualize research.
Project Muse (Current issues)This link opens in a new windowFull text of 400+ scholarly journals in the arts and humanities, social sciences and mathematics.
Citing your sourcesSmith Libraries guide links to online versions of MLA, Chicago, and other popular manuals for writing papers and formatting footnote and bibliography citations. Includes a section on how to cite images.