Citations should include the following information (or as much of it as can be easily determined from the source) in addition to the standard citation elements for the print or electronic source of the image of the work:
artists name, title of the work as given in the source, date, location of the work if known (standard reference or note citation for the source publication).
Citations to images included in image databases (ARTstor, Insight, AP Images, etc.), should include the following (or as much of it as can be easily determined from the source):
creator's name, title of the work as given in the database, location of the work, date (database collection [if known]).
Daniel Chester French, Angel Death Staying Hand Sculptor, Forest Hills Cemetary, Boston, 1893 (ARTstor, The Image Gallery).
Citations should include the following information (or as much of it as can be easily determined from the source):
photographer's name, date of photo, and the name of the photo agency if given (standard reference or note citation for the source publication).
The Libraries Find Images guide includes information on copyright issues and sharing.