Comprehensive index and full text to scholarly journals from the American Anthropological Association.
America: History & Life with Full Text [EBSCO] 1953+This link opens in a new windowExtensive index to 1,700 journals, books, and dissertations on American and Canadian history, popular culture, anthropology, sociology, economics, education, and politics.
Historical Abstracts with Full Text [EBSCO] 1956+This link opens in a new windowCovers history after 1450, excluding U.S. and Canada; lists articles, books, book reviews, collections, and dissertations.
Art Index Retrospective [EBSCO] 1929-1984This link opens in a new windowIncludes articles, reviews, reproductions from more than 420 periodicals. Provides international coverage for all aspects of the visual arts.
Web of Science 1898+This link opens in a new window(Formerly Web of Knowledge) Indexes and abstracts science & technology journals (1899+), social science journals (1898+), and arts & humanities journals (1975+) published around the world; offers cited reference searching.
Geobase 1973+This link opens in a new windowLists research literature on earth sciences: geology, geography, environmental science, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative energy, pollution, waste management & conservation. Covers journals, trade publications, book & conference proceedings.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowLargest abstract & citation database of peer-reviewed literature in all disciplines. Covers articles, books, conference proceedings & patents. Incorporates smart tools to track, analyze & visualize research.
Links to scholarly books, articles and more. Results are incomplete and vary greatly by subject. Always use the libraries' research databases for a complete search of scholarly topics.
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowComplete digital backfiles (excepting the most current 2 to 5 years) for more than 400 scholarly journals including 29 key archaeology titles in English. Includes a flexible search engine and also allows browsing through individual issues of journals.
Citing your sourcesSmith Libraries guide links to online versions of MLA, Chicago, and other popular manuals for writing papers and formatting footnote and bibliography citations. Includes a section on how to cite images.