
Zotero helps researchers gather, manage, store, and generate citations and bibliographies.

Advanced Settings

Zotero is free to use and will store information up to 300MB. If you need more than 300mb, Zotero offers reasonably-priced plans. See the plans here.

You can monitor your storage in your Zotero account. Once you are logged on, select "Settings" at the top o the page, the "Storage." You can monitor your storage and purchase additional storage here.
Zotero storage setting shown in user's web-based Zotero account.








Note: Like the recycling can in Windows or the trash can on Macs, whenever you "move item to trash" Zotero is just moving it into the trash can. These items remain in the trash (and count as part of your storage) until you empty it. 

Trash is selected.




Customize the "Library Lookup" feature in Zotero, to automatically search Smith Library's holdings (the settings default to search WorldCat).

  • In 'Preferences' under the 'Advanced' tab, click on 'General,' then out beside 'Resolver,' type in this URL: https://libproxy.smith.edu/login?url=https://resolver.ebscohost.com/openurl?
  • Close out the window (this will save it), and click on a citation from your Zotero library.
  • Now you can click the green arrow button above the citation info column and use the Library Lookup feature to search Smith Library holdings.

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