This section includes some Best Bets, or databases that have been deemed most relevant for initial or beginning research on Spanish & Portuguese.
Academic Search Ultimate [EBSCO]This link opens in a new windowFull text for 10,000+ scholarly publications in the social sciences, humanities, arts, and sciences from around the world.
Handbook of Latin American Studies 1935+This link opens in a new windowA bibliography on Latin America edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, alternates annually between the social sciences and the humanities.
HAPI : Hispanic American Periodicals Index 1970+This link opens in a new windowCitations to articles and other materials from 400+ journals, on Central & South America, Mexico, the Caribbean, U.S.-Mexico border & U.S. Hispanics.
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowComplete full text articles (excluding latest 2-5 years) for more than 1,000 scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Now includes current coverage for several hundred journal titles, plus eBooks. JSTOR’s image search (formerly Artstor) contains more than 2+ million images. It includes Smith College collections developed to meet teaching needs in the arts, humanities, and sciences, as well as images of works from the Smith College Museum.
MLA International Bibliography [EBSCO] 1919+This link opens in a new windowExtensive index to literature, language, linguistics and folklore in journal articles, books, dissertations, proceedings, and more. From the Modern Language Association of America.
Additional Databases
Here you will find additional databases that are relevant to the study of Spanish & Portuguese.
America: History & Life with Full Text [EBSCO] 1953+This link opens in a new windowExtensive index to 1,700 journals, books, and dissertations on American and Canadian history, popular culture, anthropology, sociology, economics, education, and politics.
Historical Abstracts with Full Text [EBSCO] 1956+This link opens in a new windowCovers history after 1450, excluding U.S. and Canada; lists articles, books, book reviews, collections, and dissertations.
Humanities International Index [EBSCO]This link opens in a new windowCitations and abstracts for articles, essays, and original works (poems, fiction, photographs, paintings and illustrations) from books and journals.
Bulletin of Hispanic StudiesPublishes work devoted to the languages, literatures, and civilizations of Spain, Portugal, and Latin America.
ChasquiChasqui is the only academic journal devoted exclusively to Latin American literature and culture in the sense of bringing together research on the Spanish-speaking republics, Brazil, and the Indigenous Peoples of the continent.
HispaniaDevoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese, Hispania is published by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
Hispanic ReviewThe Hispanic Review is a quarterly journal devoted to research in Hispanic literary and cultural studies. Published since 1933 by the Department of Romance Languages at the University of Pennsylvania, the journal features essays and book reviews on the diverse cultural manifestations of Spain and Latin America, from the medieval period to the present.
International journal of Iberian studiesThe International Journal of Iberian Studies is a peer-reviewed journal for scholars from around the world whose research focuses on contemporary Iberia (twentieth and twenty-first century). IJIS publishes work from a range of disciplinary perspectives, and it particularly welcomes articles that apply a comparative or intertwined methodology to the study of Spain and Portugal and consider other identities, cultures and nationalities (Andalusia, Asturias, Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia, etc.) and communities (Shepardics, Romani, immigrants, etc.). It is published in collaboration with the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies
Luso-Brazlian ReviewLuso-Brazilian Review publishes interdisciplinary scholarship on Portuguese, Brazilian, and Lusophone African cultures, with special emphasis on scholarly works in literature, history, and the social sciences.
Revista de Estudios HispánicosThe Revista de Estudios Hispánicos an internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original manuscripts in all areas of Hispanic literatures, cultures, and film, including essays on theoretical and interdisciplinary topics.