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FRN286: Invisible Minority: Chinese Culture in France: Examples

Spring 2023, D. Fulton

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Citations generated with Zotero

Bibliography on Buddhism in Europe. Accessed 21 Sept. 2021.
Bloom, Michelle E. “Hou Hsiao-Hsien’s Flight of the Red Balloon as a Sino-French Make Over.” Contemporary Sino-French Cinemas: Absent Fathers, Banned Books, and Red Balloons, University of Hawaii Press, 2016, pp. 109–36.
Boullenois, Camille. La Révolution Culturelle Chinoise Sous Le Regard Des Français: 1966-1971. Harmattan, 2013. WorldCat,
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, et al., editors. Henri Cartier-Bresson: Chine, 1948-1949, 1958. Delpire, 2019.
Chi, Miao, et al. La Révolution culturelle en Chine et en France : expériences, savoirs, mémoires. 2017.
“Entretien avec Shan Sa.” Zone Littéraire, 3 Dec. 2001.
Ffrench, Patrick. The Time of Theory: A History of Tel Quel (1960-1983). Oxford University Press, 1995, 
Forest, Philippe. Histoire de Tel Quel: 1960-1982. Seuil, 1995.
Wolin, Richard. The Wind from the East: French Intellectuals, the Cultural Revolution, and the Legacy of the 1960s. Second edition, Princeton University Press : Princeton University Press, 2010. JSTOR,
Xiang, Weiwei. Interculturalité et Intermédialité Chez Les Auteurs Francophones Chinois. L’Harmattan, 2021.
Yeung, Jessica. Ink Dances in Limbo: Gao Xingjian’s Writing as Cultural Translation. Hong Kong University Press, 2008.

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