ERIC [EBSCO] 1966+This link opens in a new windowExtensive index to nearly 1000 education journals and nearly 1000 non-journal sources including curriculum guides, books, research from school districts and non-profits, state and federal reports.
PsycINFO [EBSCO] 1887+This link opens in a new windowWorldwide coverage of 1300+ journals, books and dissertations in the behavioral sciences, psychology, mental health, medicine, etc.
ProQuest Education Database (1988-Current)This link opens in a new windowIncludes full-text scholarly journals and dissertations, supporting research on the theory and practice of education.
More Databases
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowComplete full text articles (excluding latest 2-5 years) for more than 1,000 scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Now includes current coverage for several hundred journal titles, plus eBooks. JSTOR’s image search (formerly Artstor) contains more than 2+ million images. It includes Smith College collections developed to meet teaching needs in the arts, humanities, and sciences, as well as images of works from the Smith College Museum.
Teacher Reference Center [EBSCO] 1984+This link opens in a new windowProvides indexing and abstracts for 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines.
Citing your sourcesSmith Libraries guide links to online versions of MLA, Chicago, and other popular manuals for writing papers and formatting footnote and bibliography citations. Includes a section on how to cite images.