ProQuest One Business (cancelled 9/1/24)This link opens in a new windowFormerly Business Premium Collection. A comprehensive business library containing millions of full-text items across scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, market research reports, dissertations, books, videos and more.
EconLit with Full Text [EBSCO] 1969+This link opens in a new windowIndexes over 1 million articles on capital markets; country studies; forecasting; environmental, labor and urban economics, government regulation, monetary theory, etc. 400+ journals full text.
Gale Business Collection [Gale] 1980+. MLINThis link opens in a new windowCovers company performance, industry news, management, economics, and politics; includes investment reports and company profiles.
NBER Working PapersScientific papers reporting on recent work by National Bureau of Economic Research researchers of interest to professional economists in academic institutions, business, government, and the business media around the world.
A comprehensive business resource that features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, and key business and economics periodicals.
More Article Databases
Academic Search Ultimate [EBSCO]This link opens in a new windowFull text for 10,000+ scholarly publications in the social sciences, humanities, arts, and sciences from around the world.
Fortune Magazine Archive [EBSCO] 1930-2000This link opens in a new windowSeminal business magazine, providing news & analysis of both American and, later, international business, economics, technology & industry.
RePEc (Research Papers in Economics)A free, collaboratively produced database of social science working papers, with links to journal articles & software components.
The Economist Online
The EconomistFull-text access from the current issue back to 1997.
Citing your sourcesSmith Libraries guide links to online versions of MLA, Chicago, and other popular manuals for writing papers and formatting footnote and bibliography citations. Includes a section on how to cite images.