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DAN114-01: Contemporary Dance: Five College Catalog

Spring 2022, C. Martin

Using Discover / Videos

Five College Library Catalog

Five College Library Catalog

To limit to Smith (or other institution) library holdings, click on the institution name in the upper right hand corner, under the “My Account” line.

  • Use the "basic search" if you just want to do a one query search, e.g., only author/[performer], only title, only keyword, etc.
  • Use the "advanced search" if you want to combine author, title, keyword (etc.) searches and perhaps, further limit by format (e.g., sound recordings (all); DVDs, Videos, Films and Slides)
  • Or, use the "keywords anywhere" search to access information that may only be available in contents notes.
  • Note that the "correct" way to search by subject isn't always obvious. You may prefer to try a keyword search first to find a few relevant titles. Then click on the subject headings on those records to conduct a more comprehensive subject search.