Primary sources...
In short, primary sources serve as the raw material to interpret the past, and when they are used along with previous interpretations by historians, they provide the resources necessary for historical research.
Adapted from Primary Sources on the Web: Finding, Evaluating, Using [History Section, Reference and User Services Association, American Library Association, accessed 2/27/17]
For an overview of primary sources available at Smith and in the Five Colleges, consult the Find Primary Sources page.
Try a KEYWORDS ANYWHERE to find a few relevant titles. Then track through on the Subject(s) listed on individual book descriptions to conduct a more comprehensive subject search.
As you look through lists of subjects, watch for these words as part of the subjects:
You can also search for these words, for example, iraq and women and (diaries or narratives or correspondence)
Other clues may be buried in the title, authorship, date of publication, etc. See, for example, Huda Shaarawi's Harem Years: The Memoirs of an Egyptian Feminist.
See examples of primary source compilations below: