Pioneer Valley Data - Community Profiles"Looking for information on a specific municipality or county in the Valley? Our Community Profiles will give you a snapshot of important info on each city, town, and county."
The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights - Coalition Members"Our members — which have grown from 30 civil and human rights organizations at our founding to more than 200 today — differ in size, scope, and structure. But what transcends our differences and unites The Leadership Conference coalition is our enduring common purpose: full equality for all."
NAACP - Find your Local UnitWith over two thousand local units nationwide, it is easy to get involved with the NAACP in your community.
Southerners on New Ground - Our Chapters (SONG)SONG builds a beloved community of LGBTQ people in the South who are ready and willing to do our part to challenge oppression in order to bring about liberation for ALL people.
UNIDOS US Affiliate Network"Our Affiliates are community-based organizations that directly serve the Latino population across the country. They know the practical concerns and policy issues that affect their constituencies and are engaged in implementing innovative solutions."
Common Core of Data (NCES)The Common Core of Data (CCD) is a program of the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics that annually collects fiscal and non-fiscal data about all public schools, public school districts and state education agencies in the United States.
Youth OnlineAnalyse data from the Centers for Disease Control - including the the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), an annual public health survey of middle school and high school students.
Google Earth"Google Earth is a computer program that renders a 3D representation of Earth based on satellite imagery."
Pioneer Valley Data - Community Profiles"Looking for information on a specific municipality or county in the Valley? Our Community Profiles will give you a snapshot of important info on each city, town, and county."
Social Explorer 1790+This link opens in a new windowEasy access to demographic information about the U.S. Off-campus users: first click in upper right corner - Professional Edition provided by Smith College - and create a personal account for full functionality.
Common Core of Data (NCES)The Common Core of Data (CCD) is a program of the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics that annually collects fiscal and non-fiscal data about all public schools, public school districts and state education agencies in the United States.
Data.govThe gateway to statistics from U.S. federal agencies.
Explore Census DataThe primary way to access Census Bureau data, including the latest releases from the 2018 American Community Survey and 2017 Economic Census and the upcoming 2020 Census and more.
Youth OnlineAnalyse data from the Centers for Disease Control - including the the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), an annual public health survey of middle school and high school students.
Access World News - USA SearchCurrent and archived news content including local, state, and national newspapers, broadcast transcripts, news wires, news blogs, video, etc. Use the USA Source Locator Map to search by a geographic location.
Google NewsSearch for recent news, limit by topic / newspaper name / location, etc. Set up an Alert to receive updates on your search.
For historical coverage look for "Archives" on the results screen, and set a "Custom Range" of dates.
New York Times, 1851+This link opens in a new windowFull text access to current issues and a complete archive (does not include the Crossword). The first time you use this link, you will be prompted to create your own New York Times account, using your Smith email address. After that you can go directly to or use the NYTimes app from anywhere, on any device and gain full access with the login you've created. Spanish and Chinese language editions are also available. Faculty and staff need to refresh their account annually.