Use Advanced Search to limit to by format, such as E-Books, E-Video, or E-Audio.
HathiTrustThis link opens in a new windowAccess many of Smith's print books online. Use "Log In" to select Smith College, then enter your Smith username and password. Use the "Temporary Access" link and "Check Out" to open the scanned book. For detailed instructions, see the HathiTrust E-Books tab of this guide.
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Ebooks from these collections are included in the Library catalog or Discover. This list provides alternate access points.
Ebook Central [ProQuest]This link opens in a new windowA very large collection of eBooks, mostly scholarly, spanning the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. If you’re using your own laptop or desktop, install Adobe Digital Editions; for offline reading, go to the App Store or Google Play to download the Bluefire app for iOS and Android devices. Help.
eBook Collection [EBSCO]This link opens in a new windowFull text eBooks on a broad range of reference, scholarly and professional topics. Includes books formerly in netLibrary.
HathiTrustThis link opens in a new windowFull text books & journals digitized by HathiTrust partner libraries, Google, the Internet Archive, etc. Includes searchable access to over 10 million volumes total; 3 million public domain volumes are fully viewable online and allow downloading one page at a time. Complements Google Books.
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowComplete full text articles (excluding latest 2-5 years) for more than 1,000 scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Now includes current coverage for several hundred journal titles, plus eBooks. JSTOR’s image search (formerly Artstor) contains more than 2+ million images. It includes Smith College collections developed to meet teaching needs in the arts, humanities, and sciences, as well as images of works from the Smith College Museum.