Asian Film Online [Alexander Street]This link opens in a new windowAsian culture via the lens of independent Asian filmmakers; covers the impact of globalization & urbanization in the greater Asian region.
Books in Print 1979+ (Subscription ends 11/1/2024)This link opens in a new windowInformation on all books (scholarly, popular, adult, juvenile, reprint, etc.) on all subjects currently published and distributed in the U.S. With out-of-print titles from 1979 to the present.
Chinamaxx Digital Library of Chinese eBooks 1949+This link opens in a new windowHuge collection of digitized books from China; updated 3 times/year. Search & display the first 17 pp. without charge; click on "recommend" to trigger a library purchase.
3,460 works of history, astronomy, geography, politics, economics, and others from ancient China. Compiled 1773-1782, by edict of Emperor Qianlong. The proprietary software is installed on library computers. You can also download the software to your own computer, see instructions.
WorldCat (all dates)This link opens in a new windowYou may now display Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters by clicking on Options and setting the character set to Unicode.
Online version of the Cambridge Companions; offers introductions to major writers, artists, topics and periods within the fields of literature, classics, philosophy, religion and culture.
Includes Cambridge History of China, Cambridge History of Ancient China, Cambridge Economic History of China, Cambridge History of Inner Asia, Cambridge History of Japan...
If you want to browse: use subject access. Asian: China and Inner Asia has 108 books, Asian: Northeast (China, Korea) has 60 books.
CiNII BooksUnion catalog for academic and special libraries in Japan. You can ask your host library to get materials for you through interlibrary loan, but Japanese custom is to charge the user for those expenses. Please ask the reference librarian for help.
National bibliographic utility for Japanese academic libraries. Use NACSIS Webcat to verify library holdings for periodicals that are not held in North America. Pronunciation guides for authors and titles are provided for all records.