WorldCat - Use WorldCat to expand your search for books, theses, etc. beyond the Five College area. Watch for items that are owned by only one library; such unique material is often not obtainable via interlibrary loan.
Use the SC Links button within WorldCat to access and populate the interlibrary loan forms.
Suggest Purchase - If you run across a book that Smith doesn't own and you think we should, use this form to suggest that the library purchase it.
Discover: Start here for books, articles & more.
Discover Advanced Search includes limiting options.
Note that subject searching isn't always straightforward. Try a KEYWORDS ANYWHERE search to find a few relevant titles, for example: gladiator* and rome . Then click on the subject headings on those records to conduct a more comprehensive subject search.
Subject Begins With searches:
Requesting an Item - Use the Request Item button in the library catalog to request delivery of books from the other Five Colleges.