Artifacts, we believe, are, and were, important. According to anthropologist Daniel Miller, objects “continually assert their presence as simultaneously material force and symbol. They frame the way we act in the world, as well as the way we think about the world.” To understand the past, we have to understand the artifacts of the past. Steven Lubar and Kathleen Kendrick
The Historic Dress student assistants are pinning to the Five Colleageana Pinterest board.
2:00 Tour of the Smith College Historic Clothing Collection
2:45 Introductions and Warm-up
3:00 Insider's View of Historic Dress
3:20 Think Tank
1. What research questions have you encountered in your instruction that might connect with the Historic Dress project?
2. What content and features would make Historic Dress valuable as a resource for your students and faculty?
3. How do you use cultural heritage collections (e.g., museum) in your teaching? What features make them useful?What features (or lack thereof) prevent them from being useful
How would students want to engage with and use resources like Historic Dress?
What innovative approaches might faculty apply in courses using Historic Dress?
How might we best promote the Historic Dress project? For example, could the new Five College LibGuide template help us to in disseminating Historic Dress resources in the local libraries and beyond?
3:55 Report out and wrap up