WorldCat - Use WorldCat to expand your search for books, theses, etc. beyond the Five College area. Watch for items that are owned by only one library; such unique material is often not obtainable via interlibrary loan.
Use the SC Links button within WorldCat to access and populate the interlibrary loan forms.
Use Interlibrary Loan to request books not owned in the Five Colleges. Please allow at least 2 weeks for delivery (books may come more quickly, especially from in-state).
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Note that subject searching isn't always straightforward. Try a KEYWORDS ANYWHERE search to find a few relevant titles, for example: water and ( pollut* or contaminat* ) and china . [Note the use of the asterisk to search root words and their variants.] Then click on the subject headings on those records to conduct a more comprehensive subject search:
Request Item - Use this to request delivery of books not available at Smith.