-Current magazine & journal display
-Large study tables
-Large comfortable easy chairs
-Extensive specialty music, theatre, and dance reference collection
-Historical monuments/composer complete works (Treasure Case) in Lower Stacks.
Send e-mail to Reserve a Group Room
or, call (413) 585-2930.
Please give contact information; state date and time and which room you would like to reserve.
Room are available on an ad hoc basis; confirm at Circulation Desk.
There are four (4) individual study rooms (J132, A-D)
--each equipped with TV monitor, DVD/CD, VHS, CD, cassette, turntable
--Wireless access, with electrical outlets
There is a microfilm reader/printer attached to a PC on the Basement Level.
--10 cents/page; pay circulation desk assistant
-- Installed on Josten PC --Rolling Stone cover to cover -- the first 40 years [electronic resource]