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JPN - Surround Yourself with Japanese

This guide is intended to supplement to formal classes by introducing streaming media, youtube channels, and other audio-visual resources that will help you to maintain your listening skills and have a good time.

DLibrary Japan

dLibrary Japan  dライブラリジャパン is a North American-based digital library service for Japanese television. It costs $9.99/month and you can access it using Roku, Apple TV, or Chromecast, iOS, Android, or on your browser. It includes movies, documentaries, television dramas, weekly varieties, news, etc. Some shows are subtitled and others are not. I haven't yet figured out if I can turn on closed caption, which I would like to do. I subscribed for a while because I really missed the NHK Taiga drama, and then later unsubscribed because I found I didn't have time. But writing this was enough incentive to get me to sign up again now that we have Apple TV in the living room and I don't need to use a laptop. 

But if you are living somewhere without regular access to a Japanese channel (that would be me) and miss having Japanese as background sound or even keeping up with what is currently trending this might be a good option for you. It was easy to sign up, easy to cancel, and easy to resume my subscription. So this is a great way to use it when you have time and turn it off when you don't.