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LSS: Northampton: Cultural Landscapes & Historic Preservation

Historic House Inventories

Historic House Inventories at Historic Northampton
"a comprehensive survey of Northampton's historic buildings, including business and residential districts... Over 1100 structures were surveyed... using deeds, probate records, newspaper clippings and historical documents, the building's history and ownership was traced back to its original construction."

City Directories in Ancestry (Library Edition)

City directories include listings and often ads for businesses, street directories, listings of heads of households (and sometimes other family members), and other information about the town (schools, churches, etc.).

To browse through the city directories for Northampton and other local towns:

  • Navigate to Ancestry 
  • Select Card Catalog from the Quick Links menu
  • Search Titles: Type U.S. City Directories
  • Matches: Click on the title

  • Browse This Collection (upper right)
  • Select Massachusetts / city or town / year

Municipal Information

Local News Sources

Use newspapers and online local news sites to document the current events as well as the history of an area and public opinion (in editorials) about events and development.